Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cuz 6 outta 10 aint baddddd.....

1) exactly how many inches is it from ur balls to ur asshole? 
Answer: I was on the cover of Taint in May 07'

2) how much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck provolone cheese?
Answer: The reason wood chucks chuck wood is to build their little damns, and provolone cheese would disintegrate in the water after a few hours/days, so this is a trick question. 

3) what weighs more 3 baby elephants, or the amount of weed consumed in 3 years of greggs l...ife?
Answer: an elephant calf weighs roughly 250 lbs, times that by 3 and you get 750 lbs.  Greg on average smokes about an ounce every week, so there are 16 ounces in a lb which means he smoked a lb of weed every 16 weeks.  Therefore 52 weeks in a year/16 weeks per pound = 3.25 lbs he smokes in a year, which means the last 3 years hes smoked 9.75 lbs which isnt quite 750 lbs.  So the answer to your question is Gary Busey.

4) do you dissapoint?
 Answer: I am not homosex.

5) who is blacker, wesley snipes or John Coffe from the green mile?

6) who is worse, The guy from the state farm commercial OR (insert name of biggest female popstar).
Answer: As much as i wanna say the statefarm guy.....actually lemme tell you why i hate the statefarm guy.  The guy seems so fucking sheltered and naive, its almost like he doesnt believe that world hunger exists.  In fact, i wouldnt be surprised if his mom died when he was 12 and his dad told him she was on an extended vacation to some tropical island and is returning when he turns 50 years old.  Actually, i would be really surprised if he ever had his heart broken, had to pay for a meal, ever got cut off in traffic etc.  Its almost like this guy is living in a bubble in a cloud inside Jesus's womb.  But to answer your question, I despise Ke$ha more so.  Her music promotes ignorance, and I blame her for young teenage girls shopping at victoria secret.  In fact, having an ear for music production as I do, her voice is so heavily modified, if it wasnt for pitch correction software, she would not have a career.  She represents everything i hate within our society; she is the Mcdonald's of music, tastes good right away but then leaves you feeling regretful and unsatisfied and fat and stupid.

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